ObaCell® SVF Fat-on-a-Chip Kit

ObaCell® was created as a tool for disease modeling and drug screening; moreover, it's a versatile plug-and-play system capable of seamless integration with other organ-on-a-chip models, offering boundless potential for transformative research and innovation.

ObaCell® SVF Fat-on-a-Chip Kit includes all of the components you need to create a functional adipose organoid model in your lab in ONLY 3 weeks! Customize your kit by choosing a unique cell donor from our diverse inventory that best represents the prevalent population modeled in your study.

The Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) represents a native multicellular population extracted from adipose tissue including endothelial progenitor cells, mesenchymal stem cells, and immune cells.

Endpoint analyses capable of this model include, but are not limited to, brightfield and fluorescent imaging, confocal microscopy, high-throughput microscopy, cell viability staining, metabolic activity assays via alamarblue or similar reagents, cell retrieval, histological staining, secretome analysis, cytokine profiles, and RNA and protein expression.

Key Features

  • Multi-cellular population retained within hydrogel scaffold
  • In-vitro self-assembled organoids
  • Physiologically and functionally relevant human-derived adipose model
  • Matrix protein profile supports cell growth, motility, and vascular response

Kit Components

Stromal Vascular Fraction Cells (5 million cells)

ObaGel® Human-derived Hydrogel (5 ml)

ObaVate Activation Agent (15 ml)

StromaQual3D Maintenance Media (30 ml)

AdipoQual3D Adipogenic Differentiation Media (30 ml)

ObaZolve Cell Retrieval Agent (30 ml)

  • Kit includes reagents suited for 96 test wells in a 96-well plate format. Please view our protocols here to see an optimized plate layout.

Price $6,845

SKU OS-306-01

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