ObaGel® Human-Derived Hydrogel

ObaGel® is a comprehensive human blood-derived 3D scaffold that supports the development of robust human tissue-like constructs that recapitulate in vivo cellular responses from multiple cell types in vitro. ObaGel® excels in supporting and maintaining crucial functional characteristics of cells, including proliferation, differentiation, vascularization, and immunogenic responses, thereby surpassing the limitations inherent in traditional methods such as 2D culture and the use of single-source or single-protein matrices.

Key Features

  • Unique protein profile supports cell growth, motility, and vascular response.
  • Growth factors closesly mimic human in vivo environment.
  • Consistent properties from lot-to-lot, so no need to characterize new lots before incorporating in your workflow.
  • Gels within 30 minutes at 37C when combined 1:3 with ObaVate.
  • High protein content: 63-83 mg/ml.
  • Compatible with other basement membranes and ECM-based proteins.
  • Allows for cell retrieval using companion product ObaZolve.
  • Can be used alone as a 2D protein surface coating or as a 3D scaffold in combination with ObaVate.

Product Specifications


For 2D Coating Applications

Source: Human

Protein Content: 63-83 mg/ml

Shelf Life: 12 months

Storage: -20C

Sterility: Sterile

Quality Grade: Cell Culture

Serum Level: Serum-free

Shipping Condition: Dry Ice

ObaGel® + ObaVate

For 3D Culture Applications

Source: Human + Animal

Protein Content: 19-24 mg/ml*

Shelf Life: 12 months

Storage: -20C

Sterility: Sterile

Quality Grade: Cell Culture

Serum Level: Contains Serum

Shipping Condition: Dry Ice

*1:3 ObaGel®:ObaVate™ Solution

Product Formats


Size: 1 ml

Price $55

SKU OS-301-00

Size: 5 ml

Price $234

SKU OS-301-01

Size: 10 ml

Price $443

SKU OS-301-02

ObaGel® + ObaVate

Size: 1 ml + 3 ml

Price $94

SKU OS-313-00

Size: 5 ml + 15 ml

Price $399

SKU OS-313-01

Size: 10 ml + 30 ml

Price $760

SKU OS-313-02


Companion Products

Human Adult Stem Cells

ObaVateTM Hydrogel Activation Agent

StromaQual3DTM Maintenance Media

AdipoQual3DTM Adipogenic Differentiation Media

ObaZolveTM Cell Retrieval Agent

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